Sunday, April 11, 2004

ambience in the countryside...

I forgot to tell you how the Twilight show was.

It ruled!

Greg rules!

I got there three songs into the set (I didn't know they'd actually start before 10), but I got to see most of it, and it was excellent!

I thought that Greg drummed well, bringing out that technically proficient and fun-to-watch drumming that we all love.

He said he screwed up in places, but I couldn't tell. I think it was just one of those circumstances where performers screw up and only the performers can tell. I guess he also got tired towards the end, so they cut one song. Something to do with the drum sticks they use live being heavier than the sticks they use to practice.

Anyone from the Twilight want to explain?

But the show ruled, and they played a different cover this time. This time it was "Laid" by James. I remember hearing the original song but didn't know the band or title. I think people were thrilled to hear it.

And this Friday night, the Twilight is going to be at the WCSB studio! They're going to be on Elixir Is Zog and play live. That show is from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. (right before 669). I don't know if I'll get to hear it live because I'll be going to see the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players, but I hope to get a recording at some point.

So, don't forget to listen. Unless you're going to see the Trachtenburgs, too.

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