Monday, April 19, 2004

look at jean, look at jean in her younger days

Ah, the Trachtenburgs... It was a good show, even though James Kochalka was nowhere to be seen. Well, that doesn't matter to me since I'm not into his music. The book that Black Cabbage was going to have him sign was cute, though.

Instead, the opening act was this comedian named Bobby Tisdale who the Trachtenburgs had brought with them. He wasn't that good, but then again, it seemed like he was trying to censor himself because there were little kids there. He still did end up saying "shit" and "fuck", though. He only got through a couple real jokes. One was about having a vivid dream that the Statue of Liberty was in his room screaming at him, and when he woke up, his girlfriend was on fire, clutching her journal. The other joke was some sort of anecdote about farting and pissing himself in front of his crush in 8th grade. His set was mercifully short.

The Trachtenburgs were great. Probably better than when I saw them at the Agora last fall. They seemed to have a lot of pauses in their set at that show, but their show was very tight this time. They played a lot of the same things they played at the Agora, but this time... they played "Look At Me"... the unedited version! Yes, there's an unedited version. When NBC aired "Look At Me", they took out this 10-second musical interlude that they had between verses, and a few slides didn't get past the censors. There are a couple slides of Jean topless. In one of them, her bare breasts are exposed in the shot, plain as day, for generations to enjoy. I was astounded. I thought that the Trachtenburgs were a family act!

So, the show was over by 10:30, and I was able to get home in time to hear the Twilight on the air. I thought it sounded great, and I can't want for Eric from Elixir Is Zog to give me a copy of all the songs.

Oh, and you should go to the Twilight's website. Just because there's a nice picture of them inside the station.

On Saturday night, I did see Sodastream at my significant other's school, after all. Yes, Sodastream... a.k.a. the Australian hotness. Two sexy men with an acoustic guitar and an upright bass. The upright bass rules! I want to play an upright bass at some point!

I also saw Weird Paul opening for them. You don't know who he is, but he's probably one of the few good musical acts from Pittsburgh. Cleveland has a better musical scene than Pittsburgh. We rule! Anyway, he regaled us with 12-string (!) acoustic versions of his greatest hits. He also shaved a baby doll. He's weird.

Emily, the bass player for the Icicles, was there. Her husband is the booking agent for Microindie (Sodastream's label... Kiddo's label, too, actually). It seems that we won't get to see the Icicles live until the fall. They're still working on getting that full-length released.

I didn't go to the Casual Dots because I had to work on a paper. :( I did have a little fun listening to the radio, though, and I'm going to talk about that in the next post.

Well, if anyone else who went to the Trachtenburg show (or saw Sodastream in Cleveland or Pittsburgh) has something to add, feel free to click the comments link.

No, really, click the link! Please?

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