Tuesday, April 26, 2005

yeah, it's exactly how life works...

It figures. Asaurus Records mentions my show in their e-mail newsletter this morning, and I end up screwing up the URLs for my archive. I don't have much time to post the archive links right after my show (I have to be at work at noon), so that leaves much room for me to make haste-induced errors. So, anyway, I'm kind of sad because the increased traffic to my site wasn't able to access my archive and I don't know if they'll try to come back and access it again. :(

Come back! The links below are fixed now!

Maybe it's all for the best. I really don't want to squander my 15 minutes of fame in college as a DJ. I'd rather get my 15 minutes for being an indiepopstar.

Although, if you actually are new to this site, may I suggest that you read the FAQ? It'll explain some things about this show that you might not understand otherwise. And if you're not new to this show, but still haven't read the FAQ, I suggest you read it, too. Go ahead, it's written in an entertaining manner, meant to be read all the way through.

If you're like Christian from Kiddo and enjoy listening to Snow Machine, you'll be interested to see that there's a small article about them in Maxim. There's a "WTF" for you. I had no idea that Maxim would be interested in that kind of music.

Unfortunately, I have another death that I have to report. Michael Zimmerman, one of the founders of the music review site Heraclitus Sayz, committed suicide this past weekend. I have no idea what drove him to commit suicide (being an agnostic, somewhat nihilistic personality, I certainly don't blame him for doing so), but it's sad to see him do this before Heraclitus Sayz had a chance to really take off.

On a personal note, Michael Zimmerman was the only editor who actually asked me to write reviews for his publication. I told him "no" because I liked writing for Mundane Sounds and didn't have time to write for more than one publication. What I didn't tell him was that I also felt that I wasn't intelligent enough to be in the company of the great philosophical thinkers like him at Heraclitus Sayz. If you've read my reviews for Mundane Sounds, you know that I write reviews like a teenage fanzine editor, Michael and the other reviewers at Heraclitus Sayz write like philosophy doctorate students. I'm flattered to think that he actually thought I might have been worthy of writing for his site.

Anyway, I join the other underground music fans on the Internet in mourning the passing of such a great writer and thinker.

With that said, I'm going to finish with something on a somewhat brighter note. This is for any Ed the Watchman fans who might be reading this: I've found a few of his old playlists online. This playlist has hits like "Mother Teresa Died Because She Was a Dumb Cunt" by the Vampire Sorority Babes, as well as "Cadveric Splatter Platter" by Exhumed. Or this one featuring Urine doing "Golden Mouthwash". And finally, here's one with Morbid Sexual Fetish doing "Regurgitated Intestines Through a Sewn Mouth". Just do a Google search for "playlist" and "beast_10@hotmail.com" and you'll find more.

Vampire Sorority Babes is such a fucking awesome name for a band. I wish I had thought of that first. That sounds like some sort of crazy hentai.

That's all for now.

Y'know, I was in VSB, and it makes me devilshly happy to know that people actualy knew who the hell we were.
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