Monday, June 27, 2005

la la la, la la! ringalingaling!

Sorry about the blank space. I don't have time right now to figure out why it suddenly appeared after I started posting the playlist today.

So, there was supposed to be a Dressy Bessy show at the Grog Shop (with the Twilight opening!), but that fell through for some reason. Shit, I forgot to ask the Twilight why it fell through. But anyway, that just fucking blows. There's this gap in Dressy Bessy's tour itinerary on July 17th and 18th, right before a show in Columbus. There's something at the top of Dressy Bessy's tour page about the possibility of a Cleveland date in that gap. So, why the fuck is there no Cleveland date? Is there no venue that would have Dressy Bessy?! So many people would show up!

That's why this town fucking sucks. Too obsessed with punk and hard rock to care about cuteness! I have to start a band and teach this town a fucking lesson in how to make the rest of the country go "Awwwww, that's so cute!" when they think of Cleveland. It'll be a much better PR booster than the washed up rock and roll city image that we do have.

So, did you have a problem with the political content of today's show? You better not have had a problem! Fugazi's eminent domain song ("Cashout") rules!

Anyway, here are the links to today's show:

Part 1
Part 2

And please, leave a comment about the Scruggscorp Radio episode if you've listened to it! I really need feedback about it. If that episode sucks, I have another one I can post.

That's it for now. I'll try and fix the blank space later.

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