Tuesday, June 28, 2005

witness my mad blog redesign skillz! w00t!

As you can see, the blank space is gone. Apparently, the blank space was caused when Blogger added some new feature that I'll never use. I have no idea how it made it so the text wouldn't wrap around the sidebar, but it did.

Anyway, I'm glad I've resolved this issue and I mourn for the new fans who might have been turned away when they thought my blog wasn't working. Argh!

The blog is essentially the same (even though the sidebar is now on the left instead of the right), with one important exception: the comments links.

When I started doing this, Blogger didn't have its own commenting system, so I had to get my commenting capabilities from Haloscan. Haloscan was okay for me, but not totally reliable because it didn't always show the accurate number of comments posted. Now, Blogger has its own commenting system, so I've decided that this would be the perfect occasion to make the switch. Therefore, all your old comments will no longer be displayed.

I did see all the new comments before changing over. One person did give me a question to ask Tammy from Dressy Bessy. That question concerns their drummer situation. Their original drummer, Darren Albert, quit after the release of their last album. When they came to town during the tour for that album, they had a woman drumming in Darren's place. Her name was Becki, and she's from a band called Poundsign. Now, Becki is no longer drumming with the band, and this listener wants to know what's up with the drummer situation and if these drummers have been leaving because of animosity within the band.

I did actually ask Tammy at their last Cleveland show why Darren quit. She said it was because he was tired for touring.

As for Becki, my guess is that she left because of Poundsign, and I believe she's also in another band called Scrabbel.

I'll definitely ask about that to make sure, though, and I'll ask about where Darren is now. I miss him because he was actually the member of Dressy Bessy that I'd talk to the most whenever they came to town.

If there are any other questions that I should ask Tammy, please post them in the comments links. In fact, please post something in the comments link because I want to try out this new Blogger commenting system. I'd also like you to comment about the latest Scruggscorp Radio episode that I've posted. Didn't anyone listen to it?

And that's it for now. I still don't have a confirmed date for the Tammy interview, so keep watching for that.

I think your show sucks and you should delete yourself this instant, you pathetic indie poseur!

Just a test of the new commenting system. ^_^
bp, you make my commute to work worthwhile; you should be on every day. if i ever left my husband, it would be for you.
As long as your husband doesn't beat you, likes the same music as you, and doesn't like Republicans, don't even think about leaving him. ^_^
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