Tuesday, October 10, 2006

that song that goes awoo...

Just to clear things up, I'm not being a character or anything on this show. I'm being myself.

But maybe I'm a character regardless.

I need to update the FAQ, I think. Or delete it. You don't really need an explanation for this stuff, do you? Except for the fucked up theme at the beginning.

I forgot to play something from the new Blow album this week. Whoops!

But I played Yo La Tengo doing "Nuclear War" (sort of) in honor of North Korea. Has anyone seen that picture of Kim Jong Il that was posted on the front page of AOL last night? Kim Jong Il is getting up into the camera, pointing his finger at the viewer, and he's backed by these intimidating high-ranking military officials. North Korea kind of freaks me out, but I have to admit that Kim Jong Il looks like a badass in that picture.

Anyway, here are links for downloading:

Part 1
Part 2

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