Wednesday, December 20, 2006

riding the bison sleigh

Once again, Happy Hanukkah. And Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas to whomever it's applicable.

Thus ends the holiday season on Boogiepop Does Not Smile. I hope you enjoyed it, but I can't help but feeling disappointed in myself. See, I didn't get to play everything I could have played. Like "Bethlehem" by Duplex. Or the newer Shonen Knife Christmas song (with lyrics by Thurston Moore). Or especially one of the Of Montreal Christmas songs. I can't believe I didn't play anything by Of Montreal.

I should have just did three full weeks of holiday music. :P

But that's all over with now, and it's time to look forward. Or backward. Because it's time for the 2006 No Money Mark Memorial Year-In-Review Countdown! Starting next week, I'll be spending 2 weeks counting down the best singles of the year. No mediocrity here! It's all going to be good stuff. And because I wasn't on the radio for a few months this year, there's going to be some surprises popping up (because I didn't get to play them when they were new).

So, stay tuned for that. And then return your gifts for money, so you can use it to buy whatever I play on the countdown! ^_^

Anyway, here are the links for the 12/19/06 MP3s:
Part 1
Part 2

P.S. In case it's not clear what's going on at the end of the show, Elizabeth stopped by the station to give me a Christmas gift. Apparently, she heard my joke about being a webcam whore and wearing a Japanese schoolgirl outfit and cat ears in exchange for some pervert getting me a DVD of Dig (the movie about the Brian Jonestown Massacre and the Dandy Warhols). I hope that part wasn't too tacky...

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